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NaturalSof Blogs

What Problems does Hard Water Cause?

I like to tell people, “hard water wouldn’t be a problem if the rocks wouldn’t fall back out!” However, they do. Several events make this happen: heat, pressure change, pH change. The first o…

Why am I so Itchy after I Shower?

Rather than just lather up with lotion, it is best to work backwards and discover the source of the skin irritation as it may not simply be dry skin. In fact, the lotions could be doing more harm tha…

Fluid Dynamics Review and Testimonial: Breweries

The Warped Wing Brewing Company opened a new production facility in Dayton, Ohio in 2014. Aware of hard water scaling issues in the area (total hardness 175 ppm or 10.2 gpg), they researched various…

What Contaminants are in my Tap Water?

In the early 1900’s the addition of chlorine to public drinking water supplies greatly reduced the number of cases of waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera, and dysentery. These were causing the …