Rob James
VP of Sales
About Rob James:
Rob is a highly motivated entrepreneur and has spent most of his life involved in and around the environmental field.
In the late 70’s and 80’s it was in aggregate mining in KY back when environmental stewardship was just getting started across the US. Then all through the 90’s and early 2000’s he bought and cleaned up environmentally contaminated Industrial Brownsfield real estate and then redeveloped them back into viable business.
Now, since 2009 Rob has been helping to bring environmental awareness to the potable water market by selling the NaturalSof line of water conditioners.
Want to talk to Rob now? Here’s how:
Cell: 239.707.5274

Rob James
VP of Sales
Employed Since: 2009-01-01
Date of Birth: December 06th
Hometown: Bowling Green, Ky
Hobbies: Camping, Hiking, BBQing, Fly Fishing, Rodeos
Certifications: Indianapolis Eagle Award 1998, Businessman of the Year award for Environmental Stewardship